Who collects your information?
We’re low-power electronics experts. You can reach us here:
Quicksand BVBA Ovenhoek 3 8800 Roeselare Belgium BE0842.032.353 +32 51 22 47 info@quicksand.be
How we collect your data
We collect your name and email address when you send us a message via the contact form on our website.
Why we collect data
We need to know who you are in order to be able to reply to the questions you send us. That is the only reason for us to collect data.
With who do we share your data
We don’t.
How we protect your data
Our servers run in a secure datacenter, we limit the amount of people who have access to the server and we ensure we’re running all latest security updates on the server. We run regular backups and in general do our best effort to ensure your data stays where you left it.
How long we store your data
As long as is required for use to be able to answer you.
And what about your rights
You have the absolute and complete right to ask us to remove your account and the info you provided us with from our database. Please send such request to info@quicksand.be and we will take action promptly.
Where we process your data
Your data is collected and processed in the EU.
When was the last revision of this privacy policy
2023-07-24 : v1.0